Isumi City, located in the southern part of the Boso Peninsula, is a satoyama and fishing town with mild climate and fertile land. It is within a 75 km radius of major cities in the Tokyo metropolitan area and has beautiful sandy beaches. Satoyama is a unique cultural landscape in Japan, characterized by a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. It consists of traditional rural areas nestled in the mountains, where agriculture, forestry, and water management have been practiced sustainably for generations. 

The city boasts high-quality rice production from the fertile soil provided by the Isumi River, as well as abundant seafood, mountain delicacies, and vegetables. The history of rice agriculture in Isumi City dates back to the Yayoi period, around 2,300 years ago, with unique techniques developed during the Edo period. Today, the city's rice farmers face challenges such as aging and depopulation, but efforts are being made to revitalize the industry through initiatives such as agricultural tourism and advanced technology.